There are some issues visible with the import.
I can’t see the zone fills on the renders, there’s an issue with dimension drawin in wrong place (bug already reported), the dimension text is not inline like in Altium that may invade into some PCB features, the text “For evaluation only” is positioned wrong. So the project might be a good benchmark for the imported.
Anyway, @KicadDevelopers - very impressive work with the import
If the reference design happens to contain a *.cpa file too, maybe give that a try and compare. You might find importing a CADSTAR design to be slightly more faithful to the original than importing an Altium design. This is because the CADSTAR format is based on S-expressions (very similar to KiCad’s format) and therefore much easier to reverse engineer than Alltium’s obscure undocumented binary format.
I still can’t understand how @pointhi managed to get so far with such a difficult file format - it is very impressive!
Just checked the TI project. Zones are actually there (just need to rebuild with “b” key). The clearances set for zones seem to be different than in the original gerbers (at least inner layers get 0.508mm while the original are closer to 0.254mm)
Since you have the gerbers, you can compare those. There are known limitations with text handling (KiCad doesn’t support nearly as many text options as Altium) but if you ignore those and just focus on the copper you can look for more serious problems. For one, the clearances are wrong (way too large) – the original design uses 0.254mm clearance for zones and 0.127mm clearance for everything else. If you fix the clearance, fill zones, and do a design rule check, you can see if there are any major differences with the Altium gerbers.