Altium "Rooms" in KiCad

Hi KiCAD team! I just started using KiCAD last week, and so far, so good. I previously worked with Altium. One feature I really liked was the room capability wherein I could layout a portion of the schematic, and because of the hierarchal design, I could copy rooms. After that, component placement was basically moving legos around. Is there any feature like this for KiCAD?

Also, any suggestions for Design Rules resources?

Thanks so much! Great work.

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You can try the replicate layout plugin. There is no native feature (yet) but I think the dev team is aware of the desire for it.

If you’re referring to custom design rules, check the “syntax help” link in the design rule editor. Scroll down for examples. There is also the documentation in the user manual: PCB Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad

There is a collection of user examples here: Custom Design rules Examples

Finally, Seth gave a great presentation on custom design rules at KiCon; hopefully the recording will be up soon.


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