All my A0 pins are connected, help needed

I am using a custom built Symbol for a ADS115 component in KiCad. In the Symbol editor, the Reference for this custom library component is “A” (looks correct to me). Note, within the Symbol editor, there are 10 pins defined and four of which are A0, A1, A2, and A3 for the analog inputs to the component. …again, all looks good to me.

When I place multiple instance of this component on my Eeschema, I correctly have to update the reference to each instance as “A1”, “A2”, etc. for each component I place on the Eeschema. In my case, I’m using four of these on my Eeschema. …again, all seems correct to me.

However, when I go to the PCB Layout, each A0 pin from each of the four ADS115 components are connected with together. For example, the A0 pin for each of my four ADS115 components (A1, A2, A3, and A4) are all connected with a white rats-nest “wire”. Note, the A0 pins for each of the ADS115 components are NOT connected together in the Eeschema, but the netlist seems to associate them somehow.

I don’t want each A0 pin (or for that matter any of the analog input pins) connected across the multiple instances of the component. What is going wrong? How do I fix this?


You’ve been leveled in case you are asked to attach the symbol. At minimum we may need a screen shot of the symbol in the editor. What did you define the A0 pin as?

Here are images of the Eeschema. The pins with the Red circle care “connected” in the layout. This is the problem I outlined above. I’m having the same problem with two LM339 components - noted in purple, those pins are connected in the layout too. In the layout image, I’m showing two ADS115 components are are connected when I don’t want them to be.

I’m guessing: We cannot see the entire schematic - thus, don’t know if you have Labels (net labels with same names and/or other problem…)

I’d start the problem solving by using the Net Tool (in Red, screenshot) and seeing if the problem connections get Highlighted at same time or if individually when selected.

If all light up at same time, look into your custom symbol/pins and any Labels and Connections you have.

Screenshot shows two identical items but, only the one selected gets Highlighted (the Pink color)

Thanks. I tried the Net Tool, selected one net and it correctly only highlights the net to the single component (similar to your U1 example above). I’m not sure how I fixed it, but ultimately, I deleted the .net file, re-loaded the footprints for the impacted components, generated a new netlist and it now is working correctly. Thanks to everyone for the feedback in this forum.

Creating a netlist from eeschema and loading it in Pcbnew has been deprecated for multiple years. (Probably from when Kicad V5 started). This interface is just kept to interface with external programs and script that want to work with a netlist.

The recommended way is to use Eeschema / Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8]. It’s both quicker and it prevents you from accidentally loading old netlist versions into Pcbnew.

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Thanks! I didn’t know this, …appreciate the guidance and recommended approach, thank you!


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