After upgrade to Ki-CAD 4.0.7, windows still starts old Ki-CAD 4.0.5

I just update my Ki-Cad from 4.0.5 to presumably 4.0.7. after i did the upgrade and i restarted the computer and ran Kicad i checked the software its still saying version 4.0.5. is there anything special about the update , did i miss anything?

Thank you for your time

How did you do the update?

Hi Rene,

Thank you for sending the email,

I downloaded the file from

After the download was completed , i double clicked the file

At the beginning of the installation there was message saying an older
version was found it will be removed and the newer version will be
I hope will give you some clues

Best regards

Just for your information, your contact details are now publicly readable on the kicad forum. You might want to remove them. (The mail was sent by the forum software. I did not sent a private mail.)

As i am a linux user not a windows user i can not really tell how this should work.

Good point Rene, Thank you for trying

As a Linux user I could find the executable this way:

hermit@~:which kicad

This link might be a starting point.

Many of us have upgraded 4.0.x through to 4.0.7 by simply overwriting and it works.
I am not clear from the first post if the 4.0.5 was a 64 or 32 bit version. It shows that the PC OS is 64 bit.

Can you check to see if you have a kicad folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\

Hi David,

Thank you for your reply, here is what i have , the machine is 64 bit
version and the program is installed in this directory :C:\Program

Best regards

Where does your KiCad shortcut point to? Either 4.0.7 didn’t install fully or you still have a copy of 4.0.5 somewhere

how do i find out ?

How do i find out where is the short cut pointing to?

I don’t have kicad install on this pc. But right click on the icon you start kicad with. And click on properties.

Then you will get this.

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