Advise to see 3d model on kicad CvPcb and Pcbnew

Hello all,

I am new on this forum and I hope I will find a solution.

I have downloaded file on library at this link:

I would like to use the Kicad library "A/V Connectors (28/09/2014) " most especially RCA connectors however, I can not see the 3D model on CvPcb or Pcbnew.I can load the module “RCA” and see that on CvPcb but it is not possible to see the 3d view.
For information I use :KiCad_stable-2013.07.07-BZR4022_Win_full_version.exeWings 3D 1.5.3

So, I downloaded the 2 zip files:

  • (Footprints)
  • (3D modules)

After dezipped

I put the folder “mod_conn_av” in the folder “C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\modules”

I have loaded the files with CvPcb and I can select the module RCA black red for example. I can see also the module view of the RCA.
However if I open for example the file “rca_black.wings” … wonderfull … I
can see the 3D view but it is not still working in CvPcb.

Concerning 3D, I try this :

folder “3d_conn_av” in the folder “C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\modules\packages3d”
folder “conn_av” in the folder “C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\modules\packages3d”

Could you please tell me how can I do in order to well see the 3D view in Kicad ? I will appreciate if you could help me.

Thank you in advance for your feedback

Best Regards

You can edit which 3D model is used for the footprints by editing the footprint itself. this can either be done in the Footprint editor (for a more permanent solution) or by simply editing the footprint in the PCB layout. So open the corresponding properties window and go to the 3D settings tab and then click the button Add 3D shape (remove any existing shape before you add your one). You should then see the footprint when viewing the PCB in 3D. It still might be needed to change the footprints scaling and rotation. If something is wrongly sized it usually simply is scaling a footprint down from Inch to cm with the factor 0.3939 (1 / 2.54).

Good luck!

Hello Firstly
I would like to thank you to accept to answer me.

I do that by editing the footprint in the PCB layout. And I see what was the “real” path of the current 3D shape.
I put the “good” folder in my folder project AND … all right I can see the 3d shape in PCB (footprint editor) and in my Pcbnew project.

Thank you very much for your Help

Best regards