Add rectangle in PcbNew or Eeschema

I would like to be able to place a rectangle in schematic or PCB with just two clicks for top left and bottom right, as is normal method. But more important, when rectangle is defined by four separate lines it is a real pain to edit. All I want to do is simply drag one edge to make it larger – how do I do this?
I cannot find a “place rectangle” tool.

Not directly, but you can do it this way in pcbnew: WLOG, assume the edge you want to drag is horizontal. Select the left vertical line, G drag the endpoint to where you want it to be. Repeat for the right vertical line. You might find the right to left sweep select useful. Now select the edge and move it to its final position.

Hi, Yes, that works; in fact, when I click on corner of rectangle and G drag, it moves the
endpoint of both edges, so this action on two corners completes the process. Not totally ideal, but
good enough, so many thanks

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