Add property to kicad_sym file for all component


I’m thinking of making a script to convert the .kicad_sym file to XML/JSON format so I can compare it to my company’s old database.

in the company where I work,
they have in house part number and I want to add fields to my existing Kicad symbols.

before I start working on it does something like this exist or do you guys see a problem with the concept?
or maybe you think of another solution?

I don’t know exactly what you are trying to do, but maybe kifield applies.

Over the years, I made my own library,

Now I want to add to all of them a part number that is used inside my company.

I saw that the .kicad_sym is sorted inside “()”

I think that if I can make a script that converts the file to xml or json format it will be easier to add/remove properties inside it.

For example, i want to add all of the symbols inside the file property description: “power mosfet”.

KiCad’s files are based aroun S-expressions, and this is a standardized file format, just like XML, JSON, etc.

No, no, It’s USB C

  1. Extract all your part information into a csv or xls file using kifield.
  2. Open the file using a spreadsheet.
  3. Add a column for your part number.
  4. Add your part numbers into that column.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Update your library with the csv/xls file using kifield.

Great to know,

I knew that was a simpler way.

Thanks, I will learn the file format and implement what you suggested.

Thanks guys.

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