"Add graphic polygon" not working

When I try to select the “Add graphic polygon” button on the right toolbar in Pcbnew, it doesn’t get selected. When I click the button, the previously selected button is deselected and the first arrow button is selected. I’m using KiCad 5.0.1 on Linux. The “Add graphic lines” button works.

To which layer you want to draw?

I can use any layer, doesn’t work. Here is a video to demonstrate the problem, first using the “Add graphic lines” tool, which works fine one the silkscreen.

OK, that’s clearly a bug. But it doesn’t happen with pre-5.1. (self-complied) or even 5.0.2 (flatpak package).

I just tried it with 5.1 (which by the way looks good, redraw feels faster when I open complex PCBs), same problem as you can see in the video, I can’t select the “Add graphics polygon” tool. Self compiled on Debian Linux.

Found the problem: it doesn’t work with “Preferences->Legacy Toolset”, but it works with “Preferences->Modern Toolset”. I’m sure this is somewhere documented :slight_smile:

Yes in the name of the toolset. Legacy for software implies no longer maintained. Which for most means reduced and outdated feature set.

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