About the alignment of "Global Labels"

When we put some “Global Labels” on an IC chip, they do not align. We’ve tried to adjust them for alignment. We have to switch off the function of “Snap to grid” and manually adjust the labels, but the wires may not be a straight line any more. Are there any convenient ways to align the “Global Labels”

It’s likely actually aligned but the antialiasing glitches at specific zoom levels. Does the visual misalignment go away if you zoom in/out?

Thank you for your reply, @qu1ck.

The misalignment is obviously still there when zoom in/out.

We could mannually make the alignment when switch off the grid (it is tedious.), but we think there may be better ways to align the labels.

Can you post a piece of schematic, not a screenshot? It would be useful to see if the issue replicates for others.

I am curious how you managed to get the label misaligned in the first place if you didn’t use custom grid.

We’ve made a MVP example attached to this thread. By misalignment, we mean the green circled places.

MisalignmentMVP.zip (9.6 KB)

Oh, you mean width. I thought you were talking about the slight overlap that M1_DRV_MISO and M1_STEP_OUT have.

KiCad does not have an option to change the width of the global label, it auto adjusts to text width.

You would have to file a feature request to have the width be a multiple of default grid so that it can be aligned like you ask.

I see. Thank you for your help, @qu1ck.

You can’t align the right side of labels. That side will change when you change the text (or font or size, etc). But you can align the left side. Or, more accurate, the attachment point of a label is by default on the grid and stays at the same location even when label text (font, size, etc) is changed. Labels can be mirrored, and this swaps the attachment point to left / right, but it’s always at the center for global and hierarchical labels, and on the bottom for local labels.

Once someone on the forum posted a technique where he always used local labels in the schematic, and a single column of global labels on each page that needs global labels. This gives him a nice overview of all “off sheet” connections. This works because labels of different types connect to each other when they have the same name.

Thanks for you replay and the information.

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