About Simulation tools

Hi All , In kicad software is there any in-bulid simulation tools or need to simulate any other way ?

If you ask about Spice like simulation - then - yes.
If you ask about electromagnetic field PCB simulation (I have never seen something like this, but heard they exists) - then - no.

is spice simulation tool is in build in kicad ?


but it is only for analog components not an ic’s

I didn’t tried it but remember there were ic’s (analog and digital) among examples:

And in the picture that RaptorUK showed you, you can see IBIS text.
And according to (written page number: 149):

IBIS has something to do with digital circuits simulation.
I know nothing more, as I have never simulated any digital circuits. I don’t know what for to simulate them - they work as they are specified.
When I was designing something special with LVC digital ICs (detecting 2ns slope shift by L/R time constant change) I believed scope and not simulation.

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