I have been busy lately with custom footprints/symbols/3dmodels. One of the things I loath a bit, are the extra steps you sometimes have to do. I want to do more with less work.
Current problem
When I pick a schematic symbol coming from either my custom lib or the kicad lib, I want that both footprint as well as 3D model paths are already configured correctly. This can be done but it requires some work.
I have an example which illustrate my issue. I often use tactile switches in both 6mm and 12mm footprint.
To work faster, I copy/pasted this symbol to my own custom library several times and why several times? Because I prefer to couple the footprints to the symbols. So you can skip the step of manually picking footprints.
But than… I often use a 12mm tactile with a cap. The footprint already exists in the default library. So if I am not interrested in the 3D model, I can just use that footprint from the default lib and be done with that. But no 3D models in 2023 is just
Current Fix
If you want to have a 3D model perse (which we obviously all want ).You google for a step file, download it and store it somewhere on your system.
To add the 3D model to your board designs. You can do two things, you can configure the 3D model inside PCBnew itself. If you have many switches you also need to copy/past the altered footprint and manually do the annonation to quickly give every switch the correct 3D model.
But if you start a new project and want to use that same switch many times, you must repeat this step for every project. But doing the same grunt work in 2023 is just
So what do you do? In order to prevent repetive work you do the ‘other thing’. You can copy/paste the existing footprint to your custom libary in order to set the 3D model paths correctly. You must do this once for every symbol for which you want a 3D model. This is what I am currently doing. I do consider this as ‘grunt work’ but it is grunt work you do just one time per thing.
If you have done all that. You can just pick your ‘12mm-tactile-with-cap’ symbol in the schematic and already have the correct footprint as well as 3D model configured correctly. Ain’t that a blast?
My feature request :
(provided that it is possible to begin with)
What if you can already configure the 3D model path (and the often needed positioning offsets) within the symbol editor itself? This would eliminate the need to also copy/paste new footprints for every symbol. You can just use the already existing footprint of the default library.
Every time that you want to add a new component, you can copy paste an existing symbol to your custom lib. Than you can correctly couple an already existing footprint, add the vendor component and lastly couple and configure a 3D model. No more need to also create a new footprint just because you
Kind regards