Abbreviated Layer Names

Is there a way to change my preferences to have the full layer names to show without abbreviating the sentence? I do not want to change the name, I just want to be able to read the whole description. I expanded the layer pane, but the names did not update/expand to their full description/title. Please and thank you.

I have no answer to this.
I wan sort of the opposite.
Currently the minimum widht of the Layers manager is 180 pixels, which wastes real estate on my monitor (it’s only 1920*1200)

This sort of baffles me. For use on laptops with even lower resolution screens this almost mandates turning the layer manager off completely. It’s probably not given much thought as it’s a small tiny detail of KiCad.

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Thanks, Paul, for replying. It will interesting to see what we find out.

The panel has been reworked for 5.99. Here’s what it looks like:

It cuts texts instead of abbreviating them. But this is the minimum width I can get (on Windows).

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