The video can’t be looked at carefully without eyes aching. You could have at least turned other than copper and edge layers off. And it could pay back to learn to use a screen recorder (screencast).
I also guess your wanted via-destination violates the clearance of the copper track (so I second @jmk)
you need to provide not only the pcb-file, but the complete zipped kicad project (Kicad main project manager–>File–>Archive project). That’s because the current board-settings, all board constraints and all additionall custom rules are saved in the project-files, not in the board file.
the via-placement depends on the current selected grid-size. If your grid-setting is to coarse you could try again with a finer grid
you could also try to use Shift and CTRL modifier key - this disables both grid-snapping and track-snapping
this is another reason to use a screenrecorder (as recommended by eelik) - so we could see your settings during via-placement
First all, this is my companies project, so I don’t want to offer the whole project for business security policy.
Before upload the PCB file I have open the PCB file and re-place the via and the same issue occurred again, so I only upload the PCB file.
I didn’t take a screenrecord video but use cell phone to record the video because I want to record the voice, if only a screen record, you will only see that a via is stay there, you will not know I have hit the mouse button for several times.
I found that I can only place a via on a track which is in vertical direction or in horizental direction
yes, that can be reproduced (with v7 and v799), that looks really like a bug. Let’s see if we get more confirmation. So my first answer could be false.
The workaround (use Shift+CTRL-key during via-placement) still works, albeit the via than doesn’t breaks the track nicely.