A bug in Eeschema's Orientation V5.15

When I want to ‘horizont’, it actually acts ‘vertical’. and the same thing happens in reverse way.See gif:


Sorry it cannot post picture here? Please see:


It’s an issue of the meaning of words. Mirror around horizontal axis means that Y coordinates are flipped around, and mirror around vertical axis means that X coordinates are flipped around. Perhaps a better wording is required for “around … axis”.

This happens because “horizontal” and “vertical” really mean original symbol and original symbol rotated 90 degrees.
Take a simple resistor in the symbol editor. It could be drawn vertically (actual) or horizontally.
KiCad does not “know” the intention of the person who drew the part.

Well , it’s really strange in my career. Guys can operate it on Allegro or AD or PADS, their menu really means what the say…

Perhaps you could put in a change request to reword “mirror around horizontal axis” as “flip vertically” and similarly for the other axis. Photo editing software use those wordings and nobody is in doubt what they mean.

I am not a pilot…but I think that in an airplane the vertical stabilizer is the vertical tail surface which controls yaw (steering side-to-side). The horizontal stabilizer is the horizontal tail surface which controls pitch (dive or climbing). So if I am correct in understanding that you are discussing flipping around the horizontal or vertical axis, this seems similar. I think that we could add some nice confusion to flipping by allowing flip rotations of 90 degrees (or perhaps other angles as well; not just 180 as is presently the case. This could be useful if schematics go 3-D.)

OK, I really tried Orcad/AD/PADS, they act like what they mean, I hope we can consider this.

please see GIF:


I wonder what the original French?? was.
Anyway, raise a bug report as the schematic is under heavy development in 5.99 and now is the time to improve confusing text strings

Before writing an issue you should of course test what 5.99 says and does.

However, it works like 5.1 and it’s correct.

KiCad’s menu means what it says, too. It says it mirrors around an axis, it means it and it does it. Actually, when looking at the OrCAD example, other programs are ambiguous. You just have have learned by using them that “mirror horizontally” means that the object is mirrored using the Y (vertical) axis.

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I think just bypass the menu by using the hotkeys X and Y which also specify the axis (implementor-centric) rather than the motion (user-centric) but after a while your fingers get used to it, and you don’t have to think about the letters.

Agree with Kenyapcomau , Orcad or Pads never made me confused. I think these have better explanation, not by using others.
Mirror horizont = Mirror in X axis.
Mirror Vertical = Mirror in Y axis.

Of course we can continue arguing about this to the end of the universe, marshalling evidence one way and another. For example https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/meshes/editing/transform/mirror.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflection_symmetry talk about axis around or about or along which mirroring is done (and that’s mathematically or geometrically the only correct way of talking about mirroring).

But there’s no problem in KiCad’s wording, nor any other program’s wording, as long as we accept that we have to learn to use each software in its own terms. It wouldn’t make sense for KiCad to change the texts which are now already correct and which the users have learned to use.

What’s more, there are icons in menu items in KiCad if you choose “Show icons in menus” in Preferences->Common. It shows how the item is mirrored.


These icons are available for the Right-click context menu (Orientation > Mirror …).
No icons are displayed for the Symbol Properties window (“Aspect” section; Mirror …).

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