Hope someone can point me in the right direction here! I have a completed schematic using a standard LM7805 voltage regulator that I have modified and saved to a local library. This issue is I keep getting an error in Pcbnew stating:
Error: Component ‘U1’ pad ‘VI’ not found in footprint ‘My_Regulators:LM7805’
Error: Component ‘U1’ pad ‘VO’ not found in footprint ‘My_Regulators:LM7805’
I have modified the pin names in the local library and made them visible. When I select the component from my local library the new pin names/numbers are displayed. When I add it to the schematic, they revert back to the default - VI, GND and VO which is causing the issue within pcbnew. This seems like a bug in the system.
Hm… you didn’t adhere to the standard that everybody else is using (especially the manufacturers of those ICs) and used plain numbers 1,2,3… (or for BGAs A1,A2,A3…) for your LM7805 symbol.
I guess you used VI and VO for voltage input and output respectively… this is not how this is supposed to work.
If you want/need this kind of information on a symbol use the name field, not the pin number as otherwise you end up with proprietary footprints for each of your symbols…
This unfortunately was the way the library was set up. The pin names for the schematic symbol were hidden. I saved both the footprint and schematic symbols to local folders, changed the pin names to match 1,2,3 respectively but still continue to have a mismatch error. I suspect this is due to the fact my library files were lower on the list in the library tables.
I will work on it some more today. Thank you for your help…
Create GitHub account, fork KiCad/kicad-library repository, remove these stupid symbols, prepare a merge request and wait “a moment” for review by any library maintainer. That’s it.
Also fresh to Kicad, I have spent a full day persuing the issue why 7805 doesnt work. Slowly realizing it wasnt me doing wrong. Found a thread from 2014 that had been closed as issue for the community… So Im clearly sad that this hasnt been fixed in the distribution.Now Im only to fight out the mods you are suggesting and see if I fix that in reasonable amount of time.
(actually having come this far it is not a big deal, actually it was kind of a usefull “lesson” on the learning curve to sort it out )
( having much worse problems now,having crashed the relation between the net and the pcb, and where the pcb has eaten so much effort, and become what I at least think, quite ok, that I would like to keep it. the pcbnew makes a large white spagetti trying to load the netlist… )