5.1.8: Eeschema crash

Hi. I’ve been using KiCad for a while. I just upgraded to v5.1.8_1, on Windows, and am no longer able to open the Eeschema schematic editor. The other components work.

When I the schematic button from the main KiCad window, it opens a window with Project Rescue Helper at the top, two blank wide text fields, and below that, 2 images of a symbol. This window is frozen, shows a spinny wheel, and upon attempting to exit it KiCad crashes to desktop. Thoughts? Do I need to roll back to an old version? Thank you.

Does it happen with other projects open in Project manager window?
Or is it a problem with particular project?

It’s with some projects, but not others.

Which version did you upgrade from?

5.1.6. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to TS.

Check your Kicad preferences (Preferences > Configure paths, Manage symbol/footprint libraries).
Anyway issues like these should not cause kicad to crash.
Maybe you can upload the problematic project here?

I was able to fix it by installing 5.1.7, running Eeschema (At which point a similar window popped up, but didn’t freeze; It asked me to update my USB port symbol to a newer one), then installing 5.1.8.

I don’t know if this is in issue with that specific part (USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0-Connector), or skipping a version when symbols are updated.

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