4.0.1 on OS X - some features do not work in Open GL display mode

Hello, i’m only starting to learn KiCad, but i already consider it a great piece of sotware. I have few problems though, and most annoying thing is that certain features do not work when KiCad is in Open GL display mode:

  • when “add filled zones” mode is selected - right click on the board does nothing when KiCad is in Open GL display mode
  • same thing for dragging via/track - possible only in default display mode. When in Open GL mode - editor starts to draw new track when i press D while some existing track/via is highlighted
  • [edit] i’ve just discovered that undo also doesn’t work in Open GL mode
  • [edit] wow, i have just discovered that in default mode i have “0 unconnected” in the bottom status bar, and in Open GL i have “1 unconnected” - why such a difference?

Is it a bug or am i doing something wrong? I’m working on OS X 10.10.5.


when “add filled zones” mode is selected - right click on the board does nothing when KiCad is in Open GL display mode

I get something similar on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). For example, right click on the edge of the zone does not bring up the zone menu, but the keyboard shortcuts still work - B to fill and CTRL-B to remove fill.

Press escape to exit the current tool first and it should work.

Hi Richard, you’re right - it works. Thanks.

Hi Andy, ok, thanks for clarification.