3D-Viewer, 3D-Models, Alibre ... just fooling around


I really like the 3D-viewer. Somehow, I see the board in a different way and see places where to route better. Strange, I admit.
So I do have a trial version of Alibre and have been playing around. For the board I currently design, there are 3D-models missing. So I took the chance and designed a LCD. An EA-DOGM204-A, 4x20 display.
In Alibre, I designed the display as the glass part (including transpareny) and the pins. Assembled all and got this:

Added the STL in KiCAD and I’m getting this:

Just nitpicking, not complaining! I think the fault is on the Alibre side. Under no circumstances, it could be me. :rofl:.
It ignores transparency and face colors somehow.
Don’t complain about my board layout, I just threw parts roughly where they should be and grouped them.
Strange enough, the two connectors at the rear edge came out nice. Not an assembly, just a single part with colors assigned to features.

Maybe someone knows what I’m doing wrong? If not, continue enjoying KiCAD!

I suggest to somehow open it in FreeCAD and export it as step and eventually also wrl file, using FreeCAD StepUp (search here on the forum). That way you will have more control on the materials. If you use wrl you will be able to tweak even more (by manually editing the file in a text editor) the colors and transparencies.

Open on FreeCAD → StepUp plugin → assign materials in StepUp → export step & wrl → tweak materials on wrl file if desired. → Import step or wrl file on KiCad.