3D models not showing in PCB editor?

So, I think I have my paths set up correctly (I hit default for all the options) but I don’t seem to be able to get the 3D files linked to footprints to show up.

here the path set on the left is the same as the browser on the right pointing at a file that is 100% there, but not showing in the 3D view.

What stupid mistake have I made this time?

go to Preferences → Configure Paths. What is ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY} set to?

If it’s not there, can you add it and set it to the same thing as ${KICAD7_3RD_PARTY}?

At the end of the day you want ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY} to point to part of the path you show in your second window. I can’t fully read it, but it ends in ...e/kicad/7.0/. Unless your distro does something weird, I expect that to be ~/.local/share/kicad/7.0/

in Configure Paths is:

and the 3D files are in

But, i get:

File not found ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY}/3dmodels/com_github_perigoso_keyswitch-kicad-library/3d-library.3dshapes/SW_Hotswap_Kailh_MX.wrl

If its relevant the other paths are:


what’s the variable name for that path? KICAD6_3RD_PARTY or KICAD7_3RD_PARTY?

Well spotted.

its /home/pigeon/.local/share/kicad/7.0/3rdparty in Configure Paths

but, it’s ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY} in the footprints :grimacing:

Changing to ${KICAD7_3RD_PARTY} fixes the issue, is there a way to bulk edit or do I have to do that on every footprint?

It’s alright to leave this workaround as is. It’s not particularly important to associate a footprint with a KiCad version since the file format is not KiCad specific.

so just need to change the 6 to a 7 every time I need a 3D model to show on those 3rd party footprints?

Bit of a pain. but if thats the only option.

No leave the footprints alone and just keep the two environment variables the same even if you no longer use 6, and later move to 8.

Sorry, a bit confused (it’s very easy to confuse me!) I have never had 6 on this computer, so don’t quite understand where the ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY} bug is even coming from, is it something to do with the fact they are 3rd party and formatted in someway for 6 from the GitHub?

Would be really convenient to be able to find a way to change the ${KICAD6_3RD_PARTY} to ${KICAD7_3RD_PARTY} purely as I use these footprints a lot and export my PCBs as STEP files to work with in CAD, so would be lovely not to have to add another stage to the work flow.

The problem is many of the footprints in the standard library (and contributed footprints from the Internet) still use the 6 environment variable. And editing the read-only libraries will see your changes wiped out next update of the library package. If your own footprints and models then do as you see fit. But of the 3 knobs: environment variables, footprints, and file paths, I think it’s easiest to adjust the last.

You can just add a KICAD6_3RD_PARTY variable and either point it to ${KICAD7_3RD_PARTY} or to /home/pigeon/.local/share/kicad/7.0/3rdparty

Then you don’t have to edit all the footprints themselves

I mean it makes total sense. Obviously, I know how to do that but maybe for anyone reading this in the future you could explain how you would do that step-by-test for people unlike me who don’t know how to do something that simple :lying_face:

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I don’t have KiCad in front of me but from memory your friend can:

  1. Open Preferences → configure paths
  2. Add a new variable (a new row in the table)
  3. Make the variable name KICAD6_3RD_PARTY
  4. Make the variable value ${KICAD7_3RD_PARTY}

Then it should work, I think. Your friend might have to restart KiCad.

Sorry for any inaccuracies… not looking at the dialog right now.

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