3D models for photorealistic renders

I’m currently “customizing” generic 3D models adding text and graphical markings for the purpose of generating photorealistic PCB renders. I’m following few tutorials available online, the road is not smooth but I will get there eventually.
In the process I realized that some of the mundane tasks like, for example, adding proper color stripes to THT resistors or adding text values to some SMD component, could be automated.
Is such a feature planned? (I guess combination of KiCad + FreeCAD scripting to generate proper VRMLs shapes and text starting for example from values available in the board part)



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Have a look at

it has some examples on resistor. It may give you some ideas.

Something like:


Blender has been used several times to make better looking 3D renders, but I have no idea how much effort goes into post processing.
A simple search brings up some suggetions:

I do have a vague memory that someone has written or modified a script to make 3D models of THT resistors with their color bands. That was years ago though and I can’t remember more details.

[Edit] It may have been this one:
(Duh, that’s the same link kammutierspule already posted himself).

Related to the @anool Blender tutorial, here is my tentative to replicate it on the current kicad development version: https://twitter.com/mluzeiro/status/1328476777556172803?s=19

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