It is quite common download ready 3D models having wrong sizes and offset to be correctly displayed in Kicad 3D viewer and normally it is not so difficult to find the right parameters just playing a little bit with the 3D viewer interface.But this time I downloaded a 3D model for an audio jack connector that is very different both in size and in offset. I am able to see it well in FreeCAD and also using other 3D online viewers so the model should be OK. Is there a rule to determine the right parameters for scale and offset? May be reading the step model file using an editor may help in some way?
please post a sample with this issue
which issue are you having?
is with the STEP or with the wrl?
do you have a footprint for that to check the 3d fitting?
I put the step model giving me major problems in my previous answer, it is with the step format but if I convert it to wrl I have the same problems. For the schematic I use a Kicad symbol: AudioJack3_SwitchTR, the footprint is this:
Jack_3.5mm_CUI_SJ2-3593D-SMT_Horizontal.kicad_mod (5.1 KB)
At the moment I have nothing more because I was editing the footprint library to add/link the footprint and the 3D model, so I have no PCB designs using this footprint.
the module you posted doesn’t have to be scaled … (this in general is a rule for all the 3D STEP models).
You have only to find a way to realign the model to the origin in the 3d footprint…
A way to align the model to its footprint can be done in FreeCAD… after having aligned the model to the footprint (or eventually just to the FreeCAD 3d origin), you can export your model and use it in kicad footprint editor and pcb.
Your model was far away from the internal origin (almost 600mm)… for that reason it was not visible in KiCAD fp editor
Yes, I saw that it is very far from the origin, I would like to know if there is a way ro simple move it on the right place or at least near the origin so that the fine placement may be done using the Kicad 3D viewer. May I find the model in FreeCAD space and move it accordingly to its position (that may have the same magnitude of the offset changed by sign in 3D space)? Just to be sure things are not different I am using Kicad rel 6.0.8
in FreeCAD you can use a Macro MoveToOrigin to align the object to 3D origin, or the Aligner tool from Manipulator WB which has the same option, plus other useful.
I would suggest to display in FC the origin Axis Cross.
There is also kicadStepUp wb that can load kicad footprint in FreeCAD and then you can mechanical align the model to its footprint.
After you are fine with the placement of your model, you can export it as STEP and use it in kicad.
@MassimoManca I think this may have been assumed, but are you using @maui’s KicadStepUp Workbench in FreeCAD? It imports the Kicad footprint into FreeCAD, you can then finely align the part model to the footprint in FreeCAD, then KicadStepUp will generate new STEP and WRL files exporting them directly to your Kicad model directory.
KicadUpStep can be installed in FreeCAD via Tools->Addon Manager
Thanks, I updated FreeCAD to the newest release, after installing kicadStepUp and then following your instructions I was able to place the 3D model on the footprint correctly. I think that the main problem using Kicad 3D viewer is translating 3D models very far from the origin, in that case the model is not visible and has to be found especially if its size is little. Anyway it is simpler using FreeCAD and the kicadStepUp plugin that I did not know before.
Yes, problem solved it worked perfectly. I love Kicad 3D viewer, very useful. Now I have to learn and try to export boards to FreeCAD and/or other mechanical CAD as Fusion 360. I would like to know if exists something to produce a 3D model for wiring, I mean flexible wirings to connect boards together, other devices and mains cabling as well. And I need to learn more about FreeCAD at least to be able to design boxes and enclosures.
In the footprint editor (V5.1.8) there was a preview when assigning 3D model. There you can play with scaling and offset. Is that gone in V6x?
Is that gone in V6x?
No, but it doesn’t helps if the x/y/z-offset of the 3D-model is very very far off. I had this on some occasions with models from wuerth and molex where the 3d-model was rougly 500mm away from the 0,0,0-coordinate.
I also used Freecad (with the “manipulator”-workbench) to move the step-file to the origin of the coordinate-system.
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