I downloaded and opened the Step file in FreeCad. It looks good. Then did an Export as .wrl which went ok. When I try to look at the model in KiCad, there is nothing displayed. No err msgs or anything.
In FreeCad, do I need to unify (fusion) into a single object? There are a bazillion parts and the Union feature takes a LOT of CPU and RAM but eventually fails. Ya I know its big.
I do use FreeCad and can handle fundamental tasks, but I’m no wizard. The wrl file I created was NOT a unified model, just parts. (remember “parts is parts”?) I can use FreeCad to open the wrl and it appears correctly.
I may not know what I’m talking about here, but when has that ever stopped me?
When you exported from FreeCAD to wrl, did you use the FreeCAD export filter, or did you use the StepUP workbench?
I don’t know the details, but KiCad is very particular about what dialect (ok, probably not the right term) of wrl files it accepts. The StepUP workbench was specifically written for ECAD<>MCAD integration between KiCad and FreeCAD so it’s wrl export should speak the right dialect of wrl.
It is a plugin written by fellow forum member @maui. It should be installable to FreeCAD using the Addon Manager in the Tools menu (in version 0.17 and up). If you have earlier than FreeCAD v0.17, I don’t remember how to install it.
If you want to check out StepUP’s documentation while waiting for the download to complete, here is the GitHub page as a starting point:
I installed the workbench and stumbled through loading the Step file and trying to make a WRL. I was able to export via the tool, but not all the parts appear in Kicad when I load the wrl. I likely need more RTFM.
If anyone else is interested in this model, please try this file and let me know if it works for you.
Some time, it just be cause the 3D model is out of view due to the it’s origin are way off from the 0,0,0 points. Or scale factor did not readjust when exported.
Here is an M for you to RTF: StepUp Cheat Sheet.
Also, if you need to ask specific questions, feel free to start a new thread with your specific question and the author of StepUp may notice. Failing that, other people who use it much more than I should be able to help.
Perseverance (dumb luck), I got it to make a WRL. I opened the file in FC, then didn’t do anything else (no attempt to union), I just selected the top item and in Steup, did the convert/export to Kicad.
In Kicad, when I linked to it, there was a long pause as it read all file. On prior attempts, I had tried the Union command with no luck other than a few components appeared.