3D file format converter

Hi all!
I’m currently working with Artec Studio on my project and trying to find any reliable file format converter from wrl to step. The downloadable version is preferable but web client is also suitable if it is really reliable. Can anyone help me pls? I have never had to deal with anything like this before.
Best regards.

A reliable one is pretty much impossible to make with traditional computation techniques because you are asking for something like building an engine blueprint based on a photo.
Wrl file only has 3d surface information while step file is a blueprint. You can render a surface from the blueprint but not the other way around.

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step is fundamentally different to wrl. wrl is a tessellated surface mesh meant for making nice renderings while step is meant to communicate parametric information between cad tools.

As an example take a drill hole defined in step. It might be defined as a direction vector, radius and depth of the hole. This means one can extract the true hole center, dimension, direction for use as the source for constrains and also to get manufacturing drawings made from it (one can tell that it has exactly that diameter with this depth)

Contrast this to wrl. here the hole does not really exist. The aproximated cylinder that was used to create it is not part of the file format. (that information is lost forever) All you have is a strange mesh that looks to the human eye as if there was a nicely drilled hole there. The file format does not contain information about its center, direction or radius. It only has a number of triangles that form that hole.
You can try and reconstruct the hole dimensions but what should its radius be. There is no rule in place how the original thing approximated the circular base. So the true circle could be anywhere between the two possible extremes (maximum inside circle to minimum outside circle)


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