3D color problem

Hello all
I use Kicad 5.1.12, I have a problem with overlapping colors on the 3D viewer
(look at the uploaded picture)

KiCad V5. is ancient, and KiCad is progressing fast. The current version is V7.0.7 Bugs in 5 year old KiCad versions are not going to be fixed (Unless you pay for specific maintenance contract for old KiCad version).

But my computer’s features are weak and do not allow me to install new versions

I had the same problem (with computer, not with colors). Thanks to that I practically missed V6. Only because of KiCad we (small firm) bought second-hand (after leasing) PC with Windows 10. And now I can use 7.0.7. Such PCs (small stationary DELL) have a prices of about $150, I think.
I don’t know if flag for accelerated/not accelerated graphic is used also in 3D viewer. May be this can help.

Up to 2 years ago I ran Linux on PC’s that were 10 to 13 year old and it worked quite nicely. In the end of 2021 I indulged myself with a 107cm monitor with 3840x2160 pixels, and to control that properly I also bought a new PC (Which cost less then the monitor. go figure that.)

And as Piotr wrote, You can get second hand PC’s for quite low prices. Here in the Netherlands there are companies who are specialized in buying ex office equipment in bulk and selling it on the second hand market. You can recognize such companies because they usually have 10 or more PC’s of the same model. Such PC’s have often been used for just a few years, and still have plenty of life in them. Prices of such PC’s went up during the virus thing of a few years ago (everybody needed a new(er) PC back then because they had to work at home, but prices are now back to very low again.

And to give you an impression (from a random store) Below a fifth gen i5, complete with windows 10 and a small amount of storage for EUR 135.


You may try:

Display options

Rendering Engine: Controls if Accelerated graphics or Fallback graphics are used.

You make me to do short search at ‘allegro’ - the biggest in Poland place where all stores have their offer. In less then 1min I found this one offer:


It is i5 Dell 8G RAM, 500G HDD, Windows 10 Professional. They have 86 pieces and the price is 229PLN=$53.
I think no SSD determines the price.


This link may also be of help if upgrading is being considered.

Edit: Also worthy of mention is that Windows is not a prerequisite. Kicad will run flawlessly on Linux if you purchase a computer without an OS.


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