I’m on 36c3 this year, and would like to create a self-organized session again for Kicad Beginners. Anybody interested to help?
I’m also interested in doing a meetup with other KiCad fellowers ;).
I’m on 36c3 this year, and would like to create a self-organized session again for Kicad Beginners. Anybody interested to help?
I’m also interested in doing a meetup with other KiCad fellowers ;).
Well adding information about when, where and what might be a good start to find volunteers
Since I had to do a search to understand 36c3, in the absence of a hyperlink, I can obviously rule myself out. Anyway I plead flygskam.
anyone who does not know the term 36c3 will not be there anyways ;). It’s beginning tomorrow, and is in Leipzig
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