Here is the code for nighty build,tested on r7987
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Teardrop for pcbnew using filled zones
# (c) Niluje 2016
# Based on Teardrops for PCBNEW by svofski, 2014
import os, sys
import argparse
import fileinput
from math import cos, acos, sin, asin, tan, atan2, degrees
from pcbnew import *
__version__ = "0.3.1"
def __File2List(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r')
listfile = [ l.rstrip() for l in f ]
except IOError:
return []
return listfile
def __List2File(thelist, filename):
f = open(filename, 'w')
for l in thelist:
def __GetAllVias(board):
"""Just retreive all via from the given board"""
vias = []
vias_selected =[]
for item in board.GetTracks():
if type(item) == VIA:
pos = item.GetPosition()
width = item.GetWidth()
drill = item.GetDrillValue()
vias.append((pos, width, drill))
if item.IsSelected():
vias_selected.append((pos, width, drill))
return vias, vias_selected
def __GetAllPads(board, filters=[]):
"""Just retreive all pads from the given board"""
pads = []
pads_selected = []
for i in xrange(board.GetPadCount()):
pad = board.GetPad(i)
if pad.GetAttribute() in filters:
pos = pad.GetPosition()
#drill = pad.GetDrillSize().x + FromUnits(0.2 * 2)
drill = min(pad.GetSize())
pads.append((pos, drill ))
if pad.IsSelected():
pads_selected.append((pos, drill))
return pads, pads_selected
def __Zone(viafile, board, points, track):
"""Add a zone to the board"""
#Add zone properties
z.SetMinThickness(25400) #The minimum
z.SetPadConnection(2) # 2 -> solid
for p in points:
z.AppendCorner(wxPoint(p.x, p.y))
#Save zone properties
vialine = track.GetLayerName() + ':' + ''.join(line)
if not vialine in viafile:
return z
return None
def __Bezier(p1, p2, p3, n=20.0):
n = float(n)
pts = []
for i in range(int(n)+1):
t = i/n
a = (1.0 - t) ** 2
b = 2.0*t*(1.0-t)
c = t**2
x = int(a * p1[0] + b * p2[0] + c * p3[0])
y = int(a * p1[1] + b * p2[1] + c * p3[1])
return pts
def __ComputeCurved(vpercent, w, vec, via, pts, segs):
"""Compute the curves part points"""
radius = via[1]/2.0
#Compute the bezier middle points
req_angle = asin(vpercent/100.0);
oppside = tan(req_angle)*(radius-(w/sin(req_angle)))
length = sqrt(radius*radius + oppside*oppside)
d = req_angle - acos(radius/length)
vecBC = [vec[0]*cos(d)+vec[1]*sin(d) , -vec[0]*sin(d)+vec[1]*cos(d)]
pointBC = via[0] + wxPoint(int(vecBC[0] * length), int(vecBC[1] * length))
d = -d
vecAE = [vec[0]*cos(d)+vec[1]*sin(d) , -vec[0]*sin(d)+vec[1]*cos(d)]
pointAE = via[0] + wxPoint(int(vecAE[0] * length), int(vecAE[1] * length))
curve1 = __Bezier(pts[1], pointBC, pts[2], n=segs)
curve2 = __Bezier(pts[4], pointAE, pts[0], n=segs)
return curve1 + [pts[3]] + curve2
def TeardropLength(track, via, hpercent):
n = min(track.GetLength(), (via[1] - track.GetWidth()) * 1.2071)
n = max(via[1]*(0.5+hpercent/200.0), n)
return n
def __ComputePoints(track, via, hpercent, vpercent, segs):
"""Compute all teardrop points"""
start = track.GetStart()
end = track.GetEnd()
if (segs>2) and (vpercent>70.0):
#If curved via are selected, max angle is 45 degres --> 70%
vpercent = 70.0
# ensure that start is at the via/pad end
d = end - via[0]
if sqrt(d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y) < via[1]/2:
start, end = end, start
# get normalized track vector
# it will be used a base vector pointing in the track direction
pt = end - start
norm = sqrt(pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y)
vec = [t / norm for t in pt]
# find point on the track, sharp end of the teardrop
w = track.GetWidth()/2
radius = via[1]/2
n = TeardropLength(track, via, hpercent)
dist = sqrt(n*n + w*w)
d = atan2(w, n)
vecB = [vec[0]*cos(d)+vec[1]*sin(d) , -vec[0]*sin(d)+vec[1]*cos(d)]
pointB = start + wxPoint(int(vecB[0] * dist), int(vecB[1] * dist))
vecA = [vec[0]*cos(-d)+vec[1]*sin(-d) , -vec[0]*sin(-d)+vec[1]*cos(-d)]
pointA = start + wxPoint(int(vecA[0] * dist), int(vecA[1] * dist))
# via side points
radius = via[1] / 2
d = asin(vpercent/100.0);
vecC = [vec[0]*cos(d)+vec[1]*sin(d) , -vec[0]*sin(d)+vec[1]*cos(d)]
d = asin(-vpercent/100.0);
vecE = [vec[0]*cos(d)+vec[1]*sin(d) , -vec[0]*sin(d)+vec[1]*cos(d)]
pointC = via[0] + wxPoint(int(vecC[0] * radius), int(vecC[1] * radius))
pointE = via[0] + wxPoint(int(vecE[0] * radius), int(vecE[1] * radius))
# Introduce a last point in order to cover the via centre.
# If not, the zone won't be filled
vecD = [-vec[0], -vec[1]]
radius = (via[1]/2)*0.5 #50% of via radius is enough to include
pointD = via[0] + wxPoint(int(vecD[0] * radius), int(vecD[1] * radius))
pts = [pointA, pointB, pointC, pointD, pointE]
if segs > 2:
pts = __ComputeCurved(vpercent, w, vec, via, pts, segs)
return pts
def SetTeardrops(hpercent=30, vpercent=70, segs=5):
"""Set teardrops on a teardrop free board"""
pcb = GetBoard()
td_filename = pcb.GetFileName() + '_td'
vias = __GetAllVias(pcb)[0] + __GetAllPads(pcb, [PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD])[0]
vias_selected = __GetAllVias(pcb)[1] + __GetAllPads(pcb, [PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD])[1]
viasfile = __File2List(td_filename)
if len(vias_selected) > 0:
print('Using selected pads/vias')
vias = vias_selected
# If a teardrop file is present AND no pad are selected,
# remove all teardrops.
if len(viasfile) > 0:
count = 0
for track in pcb.GetTracks():
if type(track) == TRACK:
for via in vias:
if track.IsPointOnEnds(via[0], via[1]/2):
if (track.GetLength() < TeardropLength(track, via, hpercent)) or (track.GetWidth() >= via[1] * vpercent / 100):
coor = __ComputePoints(track, via, hpercent, vpercent, segs)
the_zone = __Zone(viasfile, pcb, coor, track)
if the_zone:
count = count + 1
if len(viasfile) > 0:
__List2File(viasfile, td_filename)
#Just remove the file
except IOError:
#There was no file at startup and no teardrop to add
print('{0} teardrops inserted'.format(count))
def __RemoveTeardropsInList(pcb, tdlist):
"""Remove all teardrops mentioned in the list if available in current PCB.
Returns number of deleted pads"""
for line in tdlist:
for z in [ pcb.GetArea(i) for i in range(pcb.GetAreaCount()) ]:
corners = [str(z.GetCornerPosition(i)) for i in range(z.GetNumCorners())]
if line.rstrip() == z.GetLayerName() + ':' + ''.join(corners):
count = len(to_remove)
for tbr in to_remove:
#Remove the td file
os.remove(pcb.GetFileName() + '_td')
except OSError:
return count
def __RemoveSelectedTeardrops(pcb, tdlist, sel):
"""Remove only the selected teardrops if mentionned in teardrops file.
Also update the teardrops file"""
print('Not implemented yet')
return 0
def RmTeardrops():
"""Remove teardrops according to teardrops definition file"""
pcb = GetBoard()
td_filename = pcb.GetFileName() + '_td'
viasfile = __File2List(td_filename)
vias_selected = __GetAllVias(pcb)[1] + __GetAllPads(pcb, [PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD])[1]
if len(vias_selected) > 0:
#Only delete selected teardrops. We need to recompute the via structure
#in order to found it in the viasfile and delete it
count = __RemoveSelectedTeardrops(pcb, viasfile, vias_selected)
#Delete every teardrops mentionned in the teardrops file
count = __RemoveTeardropsInList(pcb, viasfile)
print('{0} teardrops removed'.format(count))
def RmAllZones():
pcb = GetBoard()
for z in [ pcb.GetArea(i) for i in range(pcb.GetAreaCount()) ]:
print('{0} total zone removed'.format(pcb.GetAreaCount()))