Workflow for large changes in schema after starting pcb design?

Hi there,

what is the correct way to address this kind of workflow?

  1. Complete schema
  2. Layout PCB
  3. Make large changes in schema
  4. Annotate/import schema

If I reset all the annotations in the normal work in schema, mayhem typically happens in layout (which is expected). So, need to make sure if I had previously used reset that I change it to keep existing when annotating. I’ve shot myself in the foot a couple of times forgetting that. :slight_smile:

But I’m wondering if I’m doing the workflow wrong. Is this the right way to address this scenario (without having to toggle things back and forth) or should I be doing something else when going back and forth between schema and layout? Yes, I know, ideally that doesn’t happen but it did.

Input appreciated.

Thank you,

For syncing annotation read this guide Update PCB from Schematic's match methods

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