Will a bus go between sheets on a Global Label? How?

By the way, you can see the “erc upgrades” epic here:

This is all the issues on GitLab that I have put on my to-do list to investigate as part of 6.0. This isn’t a promise that all of those issues will be fixed, or that they will be fixed the way that is suggested by the issue reporter, but you can see what has already been reported as a bug or requested as a new feature, and give “thumbs up” to things you care about most. You can also file new issues if you think of additional ERC things that are not captured there, just in case you want to make sure that the team looks in to them.
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Your example was well crafted for a screenshot, but on an ANSI-E sized sheet (I think that is close to an A0) if the two labels are on opposite corners then finding both may be challenging. (OK, yes this example may be a corner case…)

I’ll certainly check out that list of issues. (Nifty feature of GitLab, and I assume other VCS packages. I didn’t know a feature like that existed, but I can see how valuable it can be for helping to organize planning.)

If you have wires running to opposite corners of a sheet, the ERC warning can just highlight that entire net and zoom to fit (part of the plan is to have a better indication of errors, so instead of just the little arrows we can also do things like highlighting objects to make it clear the source of an error)

Well, I like the current implementation where if one clicks on the coordinates of the error message the schematic centers to that spot at the current zoom level, so I was just thinking about ideas to help find the actual issue based on this current behavior. But if you have something better planned, don’t let me get in your way. :wink:

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