Why is "mouse picking" so bad?

tbf, there are some things in the selection mechanism which could improve. e.g. I often have the case where I work on bottom layer, want to select a component or track on bottom but instead KiCad decides to select something on Top and vice versa. of course you could avoid this using highlight mode all the time but this is not really feasible. A better solution would be for KiCad to prefer selecting the object on the active layer instead of somewhere else.

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A better solution would be for KiCad to prefer selecting the object on the active layer instead of somewhere else.

There is already some sort of “prefer items on the current active layer” implemented.

(just tested: grid 1mm, 2 lines drawn on top copper/bottom-copper directly on top of another, the normal “LMB-click” always selects the correct line depending on the active Top-copper/BOT-copper layer. without disambiguation-menu).

could be, but I usually work with finer grids and there it is not working as expected.

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