Why does entered value in Editing Options changes itself?(Symbol Editor)

I agree with your comment; completely: but: I am still surprised that the “powers that be” have retained N as the default for “Switch to next Grid”.

My story:
I only use symbols from personal libraries. Some are “home made”, many are copies from Kicad. Consequently, I have added many more grids to the Symbol Editor, and, because I can, to the Schematic Editor also.
I am aware that because of my additional grids, I must continually check my current grid displayed at the bottom of the screen, because the N key no longer toggles, it scrolls. This is a nuisance for me as I sometimes miss hit the M key while working.
I solved this problem by re-assigning hotkeys. This is not difficult.
Switch to Previous Grid is Shift + N, so I made Switch to Next Grid Alt + N and made Edit Grids N.
Making these changes meant changing grids was now accomplished only with a deliberate action.

Accidentally hitting the N key by mistake now harmlessly shows a grid preference window, so I know I have miss-hit the M key and hitting the Esc key is a lot easier and requires far less thought and observance than wondering why the drawings have changed, what caused the problem and how is that problem fixed; even if it is just toggling between two assigned grids (25 & 50 mil).

I am just so surprised that management, after all the Grid changes to make life easier, especially for newbees, that using the N hotkey to change grids, is still retained.

Thank you very much, I did not know about this solution earlier. Yesterday I had managed to get with one project about 130 warnings again like in the attached picture and was moving parts and lines once again one by one until I remember to check new answers from this discussion.
Not sure whether the problem was the “N” key, but my grid size was 10. I changed it now to 50 manually
and did the steps you suggested and the problem was solved.


Generally speaking, I agree with this sentiment. But if you need to print schematics conforming to a certain ISO/ANSI standard, there are some dimensions that should be exact.

This probably fits in your category of “wrong purpose”, but I have needed to put some simple schematics directly onto the silkscreen of a PCB, and in that weird case, it was important that the schematics had real-world dimensions.

I am American and old, and while I use metric as much as possible, I’m also very comfortable with working in mils, and have been using imperial grids for schematic tools since 1986. But I can see how this could be awkward for our European and Asian colleagues. But I can also see what a logistical nightmare it would be to generate and maintain two sets of symbol libraries, say one used on 100 mil grids and another based on 2.5 mm (not 2.54) grids.

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