It’s great to see that people are motivated to share their KiCad libraries; I would reiterate that if there are users willing to spend time contributing (and moderating) symbols and footprints then there would be great benefit in adding these to the github library:
The reason the github library is not an “open-slather” approach is to protect the quality of the library (as @wsender points out) and make it useful / reliable for all users. Some of you have pointed out that the github libraries are not very good. I would argue that they are not very good yet.
Moderators are nominally selected from the pool of people actively contributing - so if you want to help out, start improving the components or submit new ones!
There was a specific example in this thread regarding the lack of package outlines to the F.Fab layer (this was a very good example of a shortcoming of the current libs).
This has now been fixed for the Housings_SSOP library (see here
Similar PRs are open for many other libraries:
In short - if you see something broken, help us to fix it!
I also want to make mention of a great footprint generation tool (Python) which has been used to generated hundreds of footprint symbols in the github libraries:
Here’s an example for the JST PUD series connectors:
Not only does this allow parametric footprint generation, it is also open-source and you can contribute to make this tool better also.