Yes, perhaps something you would access from the top-level KiCAD menu. A place to enter drawing numbers, titles, and revision levels for both schematic and board . . . and the information would flow down, and be accessible, from both EESchema and PCBNew.
I put the PCB drawing number and rev into the back-side copper on my boards but, like you say, it takes discipline to remember to update it with each revision. The drawing number for the schematic goes into silkscreen on the front side, along with a silkscreen rectangle where the assembler is supposed to enter the schematic rev level with an indelible marker.
(As you know, the schematic rev level tends to diverge from the board rev level, because something like a simple change in component value doesn’t require any changes to the board. Likewise, you might change a board to improve manufacturability, or to accommodate changes in a product’s mechanical design, without affecting the schematic.)
Doing isolated RS485 I used ADuM IC with 4 or 5 kV isolation (as I remember) and 4kV specified trafo to power isolated sides. I assured as big distance at PCB as I could between isolated parts. The PCB manufacturer found that my isolation region as a best place to put his copper made logo
Once I decided that I will need one new simple program for something. Among about 50 of my old simple programs I selected one which I decided would be best as the start point for that new one. Then I decided what should be the name of the new one. It took me some time as I had few ideas what segments have to be in its name and in which order to help me know in future what it is. Then I have selected to what group (subdirectory) to put that new program. When I tried to make the new directory for it I found that what I am trying to do I have done a half year ago - exactly the same old program was copied to that name I just decided to use. It was just that copy done, no more work on it done.
In naming PCB revisions we consider also software version (not revision). We name PCB revisions with A,B,C,… But if it happens to modify rev. C PCB in such way that no software changes are needed it will get the C1 number.
As a newbie, ordering such high priced PCB like stencil printer and other stuff could be little risky. Especially, I don’t think newbies have such good budget usually.
I estimate that a hobbyist can solder and assemble surface-mount PCB’s on a budget of US$150 or less, though much of the equipment will come from second-hand or surplus sources. The essentials are a good soldering iron - magnifier - something to use for a reflow oven - small hand tools - supply of solder paste. An experienced electronics hobbyist probably has many items (soldering iron, tools, magnifier, etc) on-hand. A small commercial shop should probably budget US$500 - US$750 for mostly new equipment.
Do a little on-line research in the “DIY” and “Maker” communities to see how others have turned out commercial-grade equipment at a low cost.
You can entirely quote and order online using Sierra Circuits’ Turnkey Pro service (under Products => Self Service). We would manufacture and do the assembly of the components. You may indicate the expensive components as DNI in your BOM so you can assemble them at your end.
This poster has helped in other areas. The mods have discussed this and Wayne Stambaugh is on record as agreeing that we need to open a 2 way dialog with manufactures. Let’s not turn this thread into a ‘war’ on that front. If you want please open up a separate thread.