What is the correct power symbol for a pair of AC inputs?


I have a power supply that takes a 9VAC input. By convention what power symbol and net name should I use for those? I see a bunch of Vxx’s I haven’t used before in KiCad - VAA & VPP for example - do any of these standard symbols suit?


I may be the exception, but I never use the power symbols in KiCAD (didn’t in Eagle either). Instead, I always use global labels connected to the header or through hole wires will solder to. They tend to look pretty clean and suit the work and hobby stuff I do.

I would use them if I were doing simulation I guess, but I never run sims either! :smile:

Thanks guys appreciate your replies. I don’t feel quite as much of a dill now you’ve shown me there’s no single simple and correct answer to this.
At the moment I do have them set as global lables as you suggested @jwpartain1 however also not sure what to call them.

Thanks, Geoff

You’re right - they’re just nets. This design has no hierarchy of sheets.