What feature are you most looking forward to in Kicad v10?

To be clear, posts and hearts on the forum are at most a vibe check.

If you want to show support for a given feature, find it on Gitlab. Most features requested in these threads are already near the top of the popularity list here: Open issues by popularity. Then give it a thumbs up. Do not add a “+1” comment unless you have more information (“I want/need this too” and “any update on this?” is just noise).

Quick list of the big items in this thread I can see issues for:

Also see: Closed issues by popularity for completed big-ticket items. A lot of those were closed within in the last year (meaning they’re v9 additions). There are some things in this thread already done in v9:

There are more, and when there aren’t, do feel free to raise specific (emphasis on the specific) requests at Gitlab.

The good news is, many of these indeed are on the (informal!) v10 hitlist!


Thank you johnbeard for taking the time to summarize all in this post,
there are indeed some features requests for stuff i didn’t know i disparately need till now :slight_smile:

Most of my PCBs are made and assembled elsewhere. I want to make clear part libraries and BOMs.
Symbols, footprints, library, and a line in the BOM of every component must match exactly.
To me, a good line on the Bill Of Materials is something like this
Manufacturer product number
Digikey part number:
ARM® Cortex®-M7 STM32H7 Microcontroller IC 32-Bit Single-Core 480MHz 128KB (128K x 8) FLASH 100-LQFP (14x14)
Library created:

Stm32h cpus have no second source, but swapping more generic parts is routine. There is no need list every variant on the earth. But sure, it should be possible to edit field names or add fields.

@LM21 What is stopping you adding this information already to your Symbol Fields Table ?

especially when using database based libraries with a backend like Inventree this can all automatically be populated

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Provided it is not yet implemented (i am a few updates and release notes behind)

I would like this not to happen, just never

This is what I would like



Nothing. But at the this moment handling libraries is more difficult than it should be. But it looks it is coming or at least it is on wish list already

And having field names like Field5 or 4 is not good. This came with Raspberry pi libraries.

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User interface (The display and menus) is crowded. It looks like everything is there at same time. It would be easier to divide similar task more.

Your example of a Bill of Materials would never have been allowed in any company that I have ever worked for as engineering are rarely allowed to know permitted suppliers and pricing for anti-corruption reasons and to insulate controlled manufacturing documents from trivial supplier ordering number changes.
This is why house numbers are used as an intermediate step.

I would like to be able to have multiple schematic pages open at the same time.
i.e. so I can see pins on a processor and some other page with analog or connectors, etc.

might already have been asked for? (or is it in V9)?


That would be awesome!

I’m not sure, but I’m hoping that this will be possible if and when a MDI is implemented.


Anyway if you are not on macos you can always open two separate instances ok KC,
you just need to keep track of which you edit. I’m too afraid to try on one of my designs :slight_smile: but maybe is even possible to edit both if the design is multi page… any volunteer? :slight_smile:

Sure you can, but you don’t get cross probing in the separate instance of the schematic. It would be awesome being able to have two pages open at the same time, and have the footprints selected when selecting the symbols. Not sure how it would work the other way around though, since selecting a footprint switches page in the schematic. :thinking:

And like you said, it’s not a great idea to edit the schematic while having two instances open…

A great CAD PC has more than one displays. This feature would help with them

Maybe this exists but I didn’t find this:

I want a “Generic Components” library. How many resistor components are really necessary from a schematic standpoint. I have been designing boards since the late 1970’s and manufacturer part numbers and PCB footprint assignments are not required until the schematic is finished. So yes this also means there is a way to “Back Anno” the schematic with PCB footprint assignments.

I was doing this with OrCAD Draft and Capture and I had manufacturer PNs in a Parts & Vendors library. I had to replace P&V when they closed and used my own tools. The only thing I keep in the schematic is a simple Part Value and PCB Footprint. Works great, fast fewer errors.

So I have just one or two resistors and caps. A single schematic shape for NPN, PNP, N_FET, P_FET, lots of stuff. The BOM is kept in a database (a schematic is a terrible place to keep a BOM).

Can I do this already.

Bob K.

Talk to the folks at Raspberry Pi Holdings plc about that :wink:

Isn’t the Device in the default library the thing that you need? It’s just generic symbols that you can add values to.


I need to copy paste this 8x and adjust the numbers bij hand. Perhaps far more advanced functionalities under the insert key or special paste?


Just some brainwave. Add pre-fix to toolbox menu?

One thing that i think that is easy to do is on Gerber viewer make matching the gerberViewer color with the pcbEditor color.
Normally i verify the gerbers after generate this. Is hard compare a draw on pink with another on blue.
At end of the day gerber have the layer on the file extension.
Also i think that some like Top/Bottom view can help.

I know, sometimes we want compare 2 gerbers of same layers to check the changes. In this case nothing to do.

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