Was FreeCAD once bundled with KiCad?

Very good.
But will the Freecad still come with KiCad. Atleast if there is a new version?

Do you mean the FreeCAD workbench KicadStepUp?

I don’t know. I know that some kind of Freecad came with KiCad setup.
There is no need for it here, I think I have the current version already. But if there ever comes a new version, it is nice to know that KiCad tells me about it.

FreeCAD is a huge package like KiCad. Our member here @maui maintains a FreeCAD workbench that simplifies using FreeCAD to design complex board edge outlines etc, for which a 3D parametric CAD program is better suited than KiCad

It is new and surprising information for me. Never heard about it. Never noticed it. What kind of FreeCAD came with KiCad setup?

I am sorry but it was some time ago. But when I first downloaded and installed KiCad, I somehow got Freecad too. Later I learned that it could help with 3-D models. I don’t know much more than that. It has a nice demo. A mechanics designer was happy when got a 3D model of our board, but even that is some time ago. And then came the corona epidemic.
This is the SW

There have been links in the past, recommending the use of FreeCAD to develop 3D STEP models as WRL was seen as less suitable. FreeCAD itself has never been bundled with KiCad

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When in 2017 I first time installed KiCad I read at the end of installation that I can use FreeCAD for 3D models but it needed separate installation so I was surprised reading that it was installed together with KiCad.

You sure you didn’t confuse it with the download two copies of any KiCad package for the price of one offer? :crazy_face:

IIRC it was v4 installer which suggested Wings 3D (not freecad) in the Windows installer, as a checkbox. This can still be tested by running the old installer, or read in the installer source code.

The Wings 3D project is still alive with a working forum. I had forgotten the name.

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