Warning msg : Cannot start routing inside a keepout area or board outline


I have a problem with routing
When I tried to route I got a message
Warning message is “Cannot start routing inside a keepout area or board outline.”
but I don’t think because of keepout and board outlines.
I have no idea how to solve it
I saw 3D view , but it seems no problem in keepout area

Could you check my file?

subBoard.kicad_pcb (129.1 KB)

5.1.2 has a bug with cirlce or arc edge outlines. Move those edge cuts to another layer temporarily, move them back when you are done routing.
Or you can update to 5.1.3 release candidate https://kicad-downloads.s3.cern.ch/index.html?prefix=windows/testing/5.1/


it works
Thanks qu1ck for quick tip :slight_smile:

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