WARNING: Avoid all links to kicad - pcb.org -- Use kicad.org

I’ve seen that list, but it’s got quite a lot of false positives.
As you may have noticed, I’ve got plenty of time to put into KiCad.
If I do about 100 a day then I’m through that list within a month.

But devaluating that old domain name quicker ma be a good thing.
For me it’s not really about the amount of time I put in it, but more about having a good method I can follow (such as an e-mail address from the kicad . org domain.


There are delays unforunately in that dataset

I finished today taking care of all GitHub / GitLab links on that dataset (submitting PRs to each repo).

Just gone through the electronics.stackexchange.com list and edited the answers. There is 16 embedded in comments so just asking a moderator to change them

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If anyone is interested, the website has changed. Maybe someone acquired the domain? It looks rather benign…

Hosted by Blogger. The profile is as minimal as you can get.

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This may of course be part of some strategy. Trying to get search engine and linkage popularity…

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