WARNING: Avoid all links to kicad - pcb.org -- Use kicad.org

Those are definitely updated in gitlab a week ago.

These are on github.

Going through today, thanks for the pointer. Will also check on the main site.


Unfortunately, the cheatsheet svgs on GitHub also has links to the wrong domain.

I’ve gone through the whole list now and either raised an issue with the maintainer or made a pull request. A lot of these repos have been forked though - is there any way of cascading issues to forks on GitHub?

These repos have been locked so I don’t think they are mirrored from GitLab so we may have to manually fix them.

Yea, all the content on Gitlab were fixed already, including things like cheatsheets.

GitHub is kind of abandoned and archived

Fixed here now https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/issues/32741#event-5529337294

I’m attaching a list of sites referencing kicad - pcb . org as indexed by Google (got it from Mark Roszko).

I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to chase them all, but there’s clearly some places where it may be a good idea to get in touch with the administrators. For example, I’ve submitted bug reports about this to Debian and GNU Guix.

http___kicad-pcb.org_-Latest-links-2021-10-27.csv (1.5 MB)

I made a very simple script with which someone can monitor the changes made to that site.

rm -r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■
wget -o wgetlog.txt -m -R png,jpeg,jpg,svg -X fonts,fontawesome,img https://■■■■■■■■■■■■■/
# expects the original in a renamed dir, so this must be run once first and ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ renamed
diff -r original_kicad-pcb.org/ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■/
# diff output should be for one line only which includes data-cfemail obfuscation which changes every time
diff -r original_kicad-pcb.org/ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■/ > latest_diff.txt

(Let’s see how it looks like here, the forum editor blackens the domain name immediately…)
(EDIT: cencorship doesn’t cover everything, but it shouldn’t matter because if this post is indexed by search engines, the name points to this discussion and isn’t a link.)

Prerequisites: bash, wget, diff. This was written on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux / Ubuntu.

It takes about a minute for me, the downloaded data is 4.6M. Run once and rename the downloaded directory to which is expected in the script. Run again. It outputs the diff and also saves it. If there’s anything more in the diff than one line (which is always different and irrelevant), “they” have changed something and you can see what it is.

This of course compares the latest state with the first one you downloaded and renamed, so you should confirm first that the initial state is clean if you want to know there’s nothing suspicious there.

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The way back machine has been tracking -pcb for years so it should be possible to spot a change via this. It slowed down trawling it due to lack of change but it does pick up


I was reviewing new (to me) vendors that supported native Kicad files for quoting a project and ran across Muilt-CB’s page linking to the old website:

I have sent them an email pointing out the issue with a link to the blog post.


A big thanx to @bboyho for working on the SparkFun website updating links to kicad.org and even finding one of my own comments that I missed.


Sorry, just saw this now. We just updated the interview with Wayne, and KiCad plugin post to point to kicad.org instead. Let me know if you find any other pages linking to the old URL and we’ll make the update.

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Unfortunately it appears that the original poster either no longer participates on the train forum or just decided not to fix the link. Also, multiple requests to forum moderation to change the link have been unsuccessful. However, the thread is now locked but I don’t believe that prevents someone from using the obsolete link.

Apparently the KiCad name / logo is trademarked.

Is that good enough as a base for successful legal action against that website?

I mean it’s out of our hands, it’s up to the linux foundation. Also it’s the internet, it’ll take months to process a claim with ICANN. Don’t worry about it.

It is listed for sale on escrow platform - kicad - pcb . org

“Buy it now” for $150,000.00 :astonished:

Please, @Carson_Cristopher, edit your post so that it’s not a real link. We try to avoid linking to that site, that’s the whole point here.