V5 Youtube Tutorials

Hi guys, just a quick heads up.

If you are anything like me and have pulled your hair out trying to fathom KiCAD, then pull no more. Since discovering KiCAD I have grown to like it beyond any other EDA. But check this out. [Youtube - search for Johns Basement - look for KiCAD V5 tutorials]. There you will find an entire course on KiCADs features and methods of operation. The tutorials are delivered very clearly, in detail and in-depth, nothing is left to the imagination. It’s easy to follow and understand.

I run it alongside KiCAD and follow through with the tutorials. For me, it’s a great and simple way to learn KiCAD. Well worth a look.

BTW I’m not associated with Johns Basement in any way.



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There are a variety of 3rd party tutorials in the FAQ section - with some comments on which version they apply to.
See Learning Kicad - unofficial learning resources
I agree that the John’s Basement ones are particularly good (last link in FAQ)

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Smashing - I’ll take a look.

Ta heaps.


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