V 6 file truncation

I imported some V5 projects into V6.01 it all seems to go well. I fix some problems found with the improved electrical checker., sand save. The main schematic is fine but all the sub schematics have been truncated to 5k.

Is this known problem?


This is not known, you should fill an issue in gitlab. It is best to include your project, you can make it private and visible only to developers.

Also, try to open each subsheet first, save them as v6, when (lastly) open root sheet and save it last, when try to browse subsheets as normally would done.

Most important part: do these 5k files have some valid content inside? Can any of these subsheets (*sch files) be opened correctly by v6 eeschema?

The truncated files seem to be valid until they are just truncated midline.

I import a V5 doc tidied up and saved and it was fine when I reloaded it again fine. I’ve set it to backup every so often. I’ve just check the backs ups and while the app was running fine all the backups contain truncated files.

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Please open a bug report. That seems to be a serious issue.

Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab or use Help → Report a Bug

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Done https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues/10747 But can no switch of the confidentiality

If anyone wants to point out any obvious mistake I’m making he is a screen cap. Get a bit distracted so it a bit longer than needed. https://youtu.be/g0mfhj-_4ek

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@flypie, how would you expect to open already broken v5 project with v6? You must make v5 schematic working first (with valid references to symbol libraries, no question marks). Do it in v5. When questionmarks are gone, proceed to open this project with v6, it will go fluently. What data do you expect to appear in truncated part of schematic files, when there is no real data available (no symbols in v5 files)? This is not a bug. v4 and v5 projects were fragile, one must keep schlib cache files in the same dir, and mess no with library paths. This is no more a pain in v6, because all needed data is already embedded inside kicad_sch file.

It opens fine in V5 thanks but as some of the user Libraries are not moved to 6 then they don’t appear in 6. You must try to do some thinking before you accuse people of things like that.
I would expect V6 to work even if what you said was true, but hey I’m just a software engineer with many years of experience what would I know about reporting bugs and how software should work.

In the video you fight with boxes with question marks. It means that the v5 version of the project was already incomplete.

In general people shouldn’t use non-horizontal/vertical net wires in KiCad. One should never use other than the default grid, either. Whether we like it or not, some things in KiCad don’t work optimally if these are not obeyed. I don’t say it’s your fault; KiCad should protect the user a bit more.

File truncation and/or a crash is a different matter. That should never happen, truncating files to a state where they don’t reflect the actual schematic which was edited is a critical bug, as is any crash. The original schematic files were valid even with their own problems because v6 could open and edit them.

(EDIT: sorry for the “you should attach the project” below, I noticed you already had the project there, it was kind of hidden below the screenshots. I’m in the bug squash team, so I can read confidential reports.)

However, a screen capture is probably not enough. You should attach the whole original project there so that a developer can test with it. You should also find the minimal amount of steps to reproduce the problem. I think you can understand that no user or developer can follow your 8 minute video and try to do the same things. Especially the developers whose time is very limited and very valuable for KiCad.

@flypie, see if you can reproduce this on your local drive, not on google virtual filesystem.

No it doesn’t indicate that it was broken in V5, it works fine in V5 the missing item is not in the standard libraries and hasn’t been moved over, for some reason.
When similar things happen in V5 when say a custom component is changed for one project when another project is loaded that still references bye the original and if the cache has been cleared then you get the same “???” symbols but it all loads and saved fine. The not vertical line was a mistake but I’ve never actually encountered a problem caused by it. They come about because I changed the gride spacing to align something with text and forgot to change it back for a while. KiCAD does not make fixing that easy.

I think I have attached the project to the bug report. I will look at producing a more concise system. From memory simply opening saving and then exiting is enough. Before I dived headlong it to producing a fully detailed report I want to check it wasn’t known.

It behaves the same on a standard drive. KiCAD has problems with Google Drive in Ubuntu, so I did check that at the first possible cause.

The simplest way to reproduce the bug. Is to open the V5 project in V6 sand save it and exit V6. Then open again with V6 and save. As the library errors were causing a distraction, I fixed them.

Actually, Scratch that it does work on none google drives or at least isn’t reproducible in the same way. I did test this with an earlier version and it failed but a retest now with that sequence did was OK.

I will continue editing on the main drive for a while to see if the error is reproduced.

When you open a v5 project in v6, KiCad takes a symbol library link (i.e. Library:Symbol pointer). If it finds the said symbol, it converts it to v6 format and copies it to the schematic file. If it’s not found in the libraries, KiCad tries to find it in the -cache.lib file. If it’s not found there, KiCad shows the box with ?? which must be fixed manually.

I think the message should be better.

Your original zipped project didn’t have the -cache.lib file (I downloaded it before you updated the zip). Therefore the project was broken.

(No need to discuss this further, main part is that newly created files are really corrupted, and this is reproducible, it does not matter if v5 was broken or not…). Also, I think this one is the same: Schematic error - #12 by poco :confused:

I think many Linux and Windows versions must have slightly different Library setups then. When I used Dropbox for the shared space they were all on dropbox. When I switched GoogleDrive they had to be on the local disk. V.5 had problems with the GNOME tools for sharing Google Drive.

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