Using different hierarchical drawing sheet templates in 1 project

I’m coming to KiCad V7.10 from Altium. On my main KiCad schematic sheet, I would like to use my top sheet template on the top-level sheet and different templates (2) for lower-level sheets. Whatever the top sheet schematic template is, all the lower-level sheets inherit. I can change a lower level sheet’s template, then all sheets inherit that template. Any help will be appreciated. From my searching this topic, it seems like it can’t be done. Maybe V8?

From my searching this topic, it seems like it can’t be done. Maybe V8?

Your search was correct, this can’t be done. One drawing sheet (worksheet) for the whole project. No change in kicad v8.

But maybe you could create your own drawing sheet with the DWS editor. It’s possible to define some items as “First page only”. This allows to create a drawing sheet which is different on the first page compared to all following pages.

First, KiCad version numbers have three digits deparated by two dots, and the numbers have specific meanings. So get used to V7.0.10.

Concerning the templates. Templates in KiCad are fairly simple. You can save any project as a template but it’s mostly a “getting started” only. There are no provisions for combining multiple templates into a project or updating them after a project has started.

When working with Hierarchical sheets, you can add existing schematic sheets to a project, or copy & paste in between different open KiCad projects but beyond that support is quite limited at the moment.

Alternative interpretation.
“Template” can be interpreted in different ways. Following mf_ibfeew’s answer, his interpretation is: Schematic Editor / File / Page Settings, and this contains the page border and title block. And those are indeed the same for all sheets of your project.

As a workaround, you can design your own drawing sheet with a minimum layout, and then design some custom schematic symbols to represent the title block. KiCad also has a bunch of internal variables which you can use if you want to share information between different sheets of the project.

Thank you for your reply.

Thanks, I’ll figure out something to get me close.

This may help you accomplish it… It’s how I do it (for different worksheets in PCB vs Schematic)…

UPDATE: I did this in previous v7 releases but, now, in v7.0.10, a different sheet from the PCB can be assigned, no longer needing to do it my way. And, unfortunately, can Not setup different sheets for hierarchical schematic sheets… Sorry. I’ll fool around with this a bit…

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