Two components do not connect pcb

I try to connect the pins of two components, but to no avail. Track trace does not enter the polygonpin of another component. Why?

Well how does the schematic look for the components in question?

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lines are connected randomly, but in PSB they are not connected.

Suggestion: Run the electrical rule check.

Second suggestion: read Tutorial: How to make a symbol (KiCad v5.1.x)

The small sqares on the wires show that there is no connection. The small circle on the pins show that they are not connected. The reason is that you have your pins rotated inwards. (The circle marks the possible connection point)

Slight remark: It is not really good practise to make symbols reflect what the pyhsical device looks like. Schematics and in extension symbols are there to abstract the function of a system. For this reason one typically at groups pins by function.

For amplifiers one might even go so far as to use a large triangle as the outline and place the inputs on the longer side of it and outputs on the shorter one. (Look at LM380N for inspiration.)

I also found that the datasheet (for dbl 1027) lists a 14pin package not 8pin (It has two amplifiers in it). Plus pin numbering is normally counter clockwise so what you call pin 5 would be pin 8. You might want to double check your part.


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