Truncated Kicad Version in the main Window

And yet I still see no gitlab feature request OR a pull request to implement it. If you want it and you think it is a benefit then … “Patches welcome”

Personally I think it is not useful to show so I might open a pull request to remove it totally.

Why is it useless? From a UX perspective it is displaying to the user something they infrequently need to know and thus is more of a distraction than a benefit

For the RARE cases they do need to know there are plenty of ways to see

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@Naib: The gitlab feature request (#16476) was closed in favor of a existing, more flexible request: Configurable strings in titlebars (#10669) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

That is interesting, thanks.

Having the project path somewhere visible is good since we can have multiple projects open, especially nowadays where we can copy and paste from them.

In my opinion, it should not be in the window title since most of the time my file paths are long, and then how to display the file path would be the next discussion. If you show the whole path, or just the project name… if we put an ellipsis at the end, the beginning, or in the middle.

Also, even if it is customizable, what is going to be the default? I continue saying it should be the full semver Kicad 7.0.10.

Because we have in the past released a minor we reserve the right to do it again. Lol

Basically our minors are going to be “major upgrades that don’t change functionality but may be a significant change”

Having the project path somewhere visible

The project path is already visible: Kicad main manager → statusbar.
There you can also see the solution for a long path: shorting the string in the middle with “…” points.
Additionally “kicad main manager–>view–>Browse project files” (also available on left toolbar) opens a external window with your system filemanager.

I continue saying it should be the full semver

Yes, we know your viewpoint. But already this short discussion with ~10 people shows that the voting is not clear.
My opinion: This is a issue with very diverging likings. It is most probably not possible to please all users, because it’s a aesthetic thing. conclusion: let the programmers do what they want (in this case)

It is a CAD software every bit of progress is important. Right now it shows a trimmed version that is suitable for some, but having the whole version there (mostly 3 more characters) would be beneficial for everyone.

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