I just downloaded KiCad Version 7 today and was using KiCad’s built-in footprint libraries and importing external libraries with no issue. Specifically, I used the Capacitor_SMD and Capacitor_Tantalum_SMD default libraries. However, I had KiCad crash out of the blue, and when I went to reopen my project, the Capacitor, Capacitor_SMD, and Capacitor_Tantalum_SMD libraries were empty when previously there were dozens of footprints in them. Furthermore, the libraries that I had imported were still listed, but there were no footprints in them either. I tried adding the external libraries again, and while they showed up in the footprint library tab, they were empty – despite the fact I could see the footprint models in the same directory through File Explorer. So far this is what I have tried to do:
- Quit Kicad. Relaunch. Libraries are still empty.
- Restart Computer. Relaunch. Libraries are still empty.
- Uninstall Kicad and delete AppData KiCad directory. Reinstalled and still several default libraries were empty and I could no longer add external libraries. As before, I could get them to appear in the footprint tab, but when I clicked on them, KiCad showed them as empty.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? It’s incredibly frustrating and has completely derailed me. Thank you for any help you can provide.