Too few admins or something else?

This is a conversation about what the basic libraries should be, and everything else looks like an answer that you need to draw 4 lines separately and not immediately a square))) You ask for a function to draw a square and you are told no, only 4 separate lines)) and through for a year they break these 4 lines and say that the old drawn squares no longer work))) chip makers are not very willing to make libraries in the kickad format and changing the format leads to non-working functions the converter stops working normally after the conversion you have to edit it by hand or you suggest drawing everything again correctly ?
In any case, the solution in the form of a library converter from different programs looks much better than drawing everything anew, but there is a worse choice when it is not there … I don’t want to argue about altium in comparison with kickad and I don’t want to argue about Linux in comparison with wine … … If there are options to simplify to speed up the work, then these options should be used and not change the square to 4 lines

Worth repeating:

sometimes it is useful to look at competitors to try how it works there and compare …

Hehe true in my case, but I am not complaining :wink: I am generally satisfied with current implementation. I merely think of ideas to improve things.

For this, programs are made so that she does it herself, and only the choice remains for you … You use other people’s datasheets and do not draw them yourself, so why not use ready-made libraries saving time on writing and drawing, leaving only for verification … And then you are all trying to say that he is lazy and does not want to draw primitives himself.

This thread was started by me as someone who wants to contribute but cannot because of the way the system works at the moment. A look through the list of modes waiting to be integrated shows there is plenty of enthusiasm to add.

It might be the case, but having a single part for every sand in the desert is not a wise choice. This idea destroys the usability of this wonderful tool.

That is not something anyone has suggested. It is just something you’ve made up.

Sadly, derailed.