Tips for relative small board routing

I had the same problem, but it seems to be working correctly now.

This does not make sense to me. Much more common is to have a GND plane on the bottom of the PCB, and do all routing (inclusive power, but exclusive GND) on the top of the PCB.

I agree with Piotr. Footprint placement is a very important part of PCB design. I usually place a sub section of the footprints on the PCB, and then do the routing for that part before I continue to another section. I like the curved ratsnest lines, and making them thicker (at least in the beginning) help to give you an overview. For footprint placement there are several main goals. One goal is to avoid tracks crossing each other, as this would require extra via’s and board space. Another obvious goal is to minimize track length. Route short tracks first.

Making nice looking rows of footprints is not a good practice for PCB design. Part placement should be based on minimizing track length (and that not crossing thing). On the right side of U1 (4017) you have relatively empty space, while the area between U1 and U2 is a bit crowded, and you will probably run out of room for the tracks in that area.

PCB routing is also a skill, and you need experience to become good at it. Do not expect your first PCB to be good. It’s good practice in the learning stage to do the footprint placement and the track routing a few times to get some experience. I would put D1 though D6 all very close to J1. It is not optimal to first go from U1 up to the diodes, and then down and right again to J1.

I guess the location of RV1 is sort of fixed because of the “user interface”, as a consequence, put U2 and the connected footprints closer to RV1.

I supposed it is caused may be by file sizes. To compare I made screen shot of my schematic. Saving it as png I got 40k file.

With each file I had a problem only once. After opening may be your PC keeps it in cash so next time you don’t notice a problem.

Yes, that too. Even just the LED is already more then the 4017 can officially handle.

If the OP can limit the power supply to 6v, then the 74HC4017 would work, it has a +/- 25mA capability!

Where from this info?
According to what I see:

When powered by 6V and loaded with 5.2mA output can drop down to 5.48V (in normal temperature).
No guarantee what will be with output loaded with higher than 5.2mA current.

You may be right…

I was looking simplistically at this datasheet: where (page 3) the absolute maximum rating per output pin is +/- 25ma. (same as section 7 in the datasheet you found. Oh, your data sheet shows a VCC max of 7 volts!)).

So the 5.2mA is the guaranteed maximum, beyond that the output voltage will “droop” a bit - but should still be able to drive the next logic gate.

In any case, 5.2mA is plenty enough current to drive a modern LED: if you’re not wanting to light up the room, just 1 or 2mA is fine!

(So, the 74HC4017 will work, but I was maybe over-stating its abilities a bit!!)

On the 4017: Only one output at a time can be on and there is a current limiting resistor on the other side of the LED.

Yup. Personally, I tend to use 2k2 resistors, but a 1k will allow about 2 to 3mA. Plus a tiny bit more to drive the transistors… I’m assuming the error where it drives the output of the Schmitt inverter gets fixed.

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Yeah, we straightened out a few problems using the “message” system, as what started as a brief suggestion to a new user turned into a non-Kicad design thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is not place for electronic discussions, but on the other hand one should not leave erroneous conclusions without comment.
You seem to mix Absolute Maximum Ratings with Operating Conditions (in TI datasheet) and Limiting Values with Recommended Operating Conditions (in nexperia datasheet).
You conclude that VCC max is 7V. Have you noticed that min is -0.5V. I believe you not expect HC4017 working powered by -0.5V.
Each supply regulator responds to sudden change in load by negative or positive pulse (DCDC for example have energy stored in choke and if the load is reduced this energy first goes into output capacitor). Also sudden change in regulator supply voltage (caused e.g. by a surge caused by a local lightning strike) propagates to some extent to the output.
Data sheet says - maximum working voltage is 6V, but if you want IC being not damaged you have to limit any pulses in any case to max 7V (min -0.5V).
There is a similar problem with this +/- 25mA you assume as the output capabilities. If it were about just loading IC output than why these current is specified for -0.5V and VCC + 0.5V. Normal load can’t generate voltages outside the GND and VCC supply rails. This is connected with latch-up problem. IC is not made of separate transistors, but all they are made in common substrate. There are parasitic thyristor like structures that can be switched on if pin is externally driven out of supply rails and driven with current higher that 25mA (in this case). Such thyristor shorts VCC to GND and stay conducting until the power is switched off.
More than 20 years ago I got (form one firm from GB) the PCB with information that their problem is that the device overheats and stops working. When I sow the schematic I have written them that their problem is completely opposite. Device stops to work and then get high temperature.
I-button connector was connected to microcontroller pin without any protection. ESD from human touching I-button connector caused microcontroller pin latch-up. Latch-up caused loading supply regulator until its thermal protection. IC having all the time about 125°C structure temperature heated the whole device and its casing was getting warm.