The tutorials don't match up with what I see. Is my version too new?

I’m going by the official tutorial here and another one here, but I’m having trouble finding some of the buttons the tutorials are referring to.

For example, in the official tutorial, “Using Component Library Editor” section, number 10, it says to go to “Preferences → Component Libraries”. I can’t find a "Component Libraries option under Preferences, both from Eeschema and the Symbol Library Editor.

The next step says to click the book icon, which should be ‘Select working library’, but that book icon is only associated with “New Library” wherever I see it.

Same with Sparkfun’s Guide. The section “Creating Custom KiCad Schematic Components” has icons that don’t look anything like the ones I see, and I similarly can’t find the ‘Selecting working library’ button they show in the image.

My guess is that I’ve downloaded a new version, and the recommended tutorials haven’t caught up with it yet. Are there tutorials suited for the latest version I’ve downloaded (5.0.2), or should I find an old version to download?

Check out the FAQ link up above for help with all things library. @Rene_Poschl is one of the librarians and has done quite a bit of work on the FAQ in regards to the libraries and such.

On the first page of the second tutorial you linked to -


There have been lots of changes between 4 and 5 and again between 5 and 5.1. I am starting to try and compile a list here - all contributions welcome.

The official Getting Started is a confusing mix of 4, 5.0 and 5.1 (if I remember correctly).

Lets post links instead of simply saying look at the FAQ:

And especially (inspired selection from the section you post in and from the links provided.):

Thanks everyone. I should be able to figure it out with the links here.

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