I found a strange bit of ratsnet on my board. Design rules checker and clean up tracks and vias are happy with the board. What tools should I use to find the problem. I’ll include some ugly tracks I have done.
You have lot’s of GND via’s going to “somewhere”. I guess they go to the blue bottom layer, but that also has lots of tracks, and your GND plane is probably cut into little pieces which are isolated from each other. That is under the assumption it’s a two layer PCB. But anyway, make the zones visible, refill them with b and check their connection.
A decent GND zone is quite important (mostly for EMC, but also for high speed signal integrity, and if you don’t keep a close eye on it then it will turn into a bit of a mess.
Also, on a side note, You’ve got two vertical tracks changing layers twice to make room for two horizontal tracks also changing layers twice just to make room for each other???
I also see you have some troubles with differential pairs, would you care to add some comment about this in: