STEP export peculiarities in KiCad 5

3D modeling is a difficult path… for sure FC doesn’t have the most intuitive user’s interface, but I would like to add this opinion made from a professional 3D designer which do SolidWorks Certification Course…
Is it Worth Learning FreeCAD? Can It Be Used Commercially? |JOKO ENGINEERING|
from ClosedCaptions:

I think freecad for what it is and that is primarily three people in their spare time developing this with some enhancements from the community have done a superbly fantastic job in making a software that runs like industry software and i think is incredibly useful

I use it all the time i use it alongside solidworks and all a bunch of other cad modelers
I esteem freecad highly for making such a wonderful complex workflow available for free to anybody
I love freecad i hope you do too in fact i think you should too

this being an open source software i’m very new to it but i cannot believe how powerful and immense and just overall impressive

that this software is being provided absolutely free it blows my mind and i i cannot thank the developers enough for making such a wonderful
useful relevant amazing software absolutely free it is a it is a treasure to use and as evidenced version 018 is even better than 017

truly incredible so again my my congratulations and admiration to those who’ve made such a great software

Joko EngineeringHelp channel: videos

There’s a discussion going on in the developers’ mailing list. It gives more opinions and technical background information:

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@eelik Thanks for the pointer — that discussion is interesting, and I’m really happy about the proposed idea of implementing a simple shape generator within KiCad, which would obviate my need for scaling unit boxes.

There remains the problem of missing STEP models in export (which are visible in 3D Viewer), which I guess will remain unsolved for now. I am working around this by adding the models manually in my MCAD later on.

I also wrote a response to @halachal’s comment, but decided to remove it as I think this direction of discussion is entirely unconstructive.

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