[Solved] PCB with inner shape: very cumbersome to design!

I imported the DXF in millimeters, and it gave 3 DRC issues. One with the “diagonal” line, and the other with the arc not matching the lines. I measured one distance as 29um. When I fixed those 3 issues, DRC accepted the PCB outline without further trouble.

I moved the line to dwgs before the check, but you are right… I repeated the importing and I can confirm the same issue.
Moreover 29um is the same measure I got from FreeCAD, with the dxf file imported.


But in both Fusion 360 and Solid Edge 2023 they are correctly resulting closed.
And there is not any anomaly into the extrusion
And moreover it was exported as closed geometry.

Various software has different thresholds for what to call “closed” or not. So, unfortunately some software will give you an idea that an outline is closed when it is not (and the software is just silently fixing this for you)


While technically this is a bug in Fusion 360, and it clearly is if you plot the points in the file they do not match. Its not uncommon for DXF files to be broken so i think there should be something that can automatically weld the seams together.

Most cads just have a internal setting for file tolerance and everything smaller is considered joined. But yes this is a common problem with the dxf format like i said.

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See Post-v7 new features and development news - #37 by dsa-t

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nice system! this will help enormously.
I don’t know why I can’t comment there, so I do it here.
However how is it managed an overlapping like in this case?
I just drawn it very exaggerated to make it clear what I mean.

If the specified tolerance is greater than the distance between the end points, then it joins lines at intersection, otherwise it does nothing:



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Here an “attention to detail”.
By importing this DXF into PCBNew and starting DRC to find out not coincident stuff, KiCAD crashes, and quite dramatically.
So what does it serve if goes everything to hell? :-/
PCB - Distributor.dxf (12.4 KB)

So what does it serve if goes everything to hell?

The everything is a big (and not funny) exaggeration. You have one situation with a bug/crash. OTOH the DRC worked fine with all my imported dxf-drawings. So in principle the proposed workflow (import dxf to edge.cuts, then run DRC to spot the unconnected line-segments) is working.

Regarding your example: a crash is always a serious issue and this should be investigated further. Unfortunately I couldn’t reproduce your crash, the “pcb-distributor.dxf” imported fine, the DRC was running and reported some “malformed board outline” errors, no crash. (used kicad version: v7.08-testing, on WIn10).
The next step is a real bugreport from you (on gitlab), or at least:

  • the exact kicad version information, incuding used OS
  • a zipped project archive, where the dxf is already imported and the DRC produces a reliable crash

the everything is related my project of course and it’s not an exaggeration if applied as it should: to my project.

My version is the 7.0.8 and Os is Win 11 Pro (I uploaded the details in one of my previous comments.

It seems you have identical version but in your case it doesn’t crash
ORTF-3D - Distributor.zip (11.3 KB)
Here the project. Please verify it does/doesn’t crash on your system


yes, crash. I will open a gitlab issue.


I thought to have found the culprit but it wasn’t. Once I deleted the diagonal lines and the horizontal segment, and started DRC: it crashed. Instead when I DRCed without touching any line, it worked

Note: I tried also on 7.99 version.

here the result …

The culprit are the circles. All circles are doubled - two identical circles on top of each other. This is already the case in the original dxf-file.
If you delete every duplicated circle then the DRC runs fine.


This, being my last contribution to an ever-growing post/topic…

Attention (IMHO) includes knowing how to use Kicad’s Tools and messages to help understand and solve (some problems).

I imported your Distributor dxf and Hovered over it - a message pops up asking to clarify which object to select. This happens if there is more than One Item… Thus, a a helpful ‘Clue’

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A repeatable crash is good to report, hopefully fixed soon

there is also the overflow in importing from inches

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there is also the overflow in importing from inches

This is a principle problem with the size of that dxf-drawing. (I played with “Sheet Metal2.dxf” from answer 30).
If you interpret the values as inch the dxf-drawing is simply too big for the standard kicad canvas.

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Question for experts: how can I import dwg? the problem is that every dxf converter converts differently with different errors… is there a simple way to do this with the least errors?